$Unique_ID{how04745} $Pretitle{} $Title{World Civilizations: The Origins Of Civilizations Human Society And Daily Life At The End Of The Old Stone Age} $Subtitle{} $Author{Stearns, Peter N.;Adas, Michael;Schwartz, Stuart B.} $Affiliation{} $Subject{settlements human natufian wild women groups band peoples bands communities} $Date{1992} $Log{} Title: World Civilizations: The Origins Of Civilizations Book: Chapter 1: The Agrarian Revolution And The Birth Of Civilization Author: Stearns, Peter N.;Adas, Michael;Schwartz, Stuart B. Date: 1992 Human Society And Daily Life At The End Of The Old Stone Age Most human societies in the Old Stone Age consisted of small groups that migrated regularly in pursuit of game animals and wild plants. But recent archeological research has shown that in a number of places natural conditions and human ingenuity permitted some groups to establish settlements where they lived for much of the year, and in some cases for generation after generation. These settled communities harvested wild grains that grew in abundance in many areas. After surviving for centuries in this way, some of these communities made the transition to true farming by domesticating plants and animals near their permanent village sites. Many Paleolithic peoples who established enduring settlements did not advance to domesticated agricultural production, and in fact often reverted to a migratory hunting-and-gathering existence. The rejection of full-fledged agriculture and the reversion to migratory life-styles caution us against seeing farming as an inevitable stage in human development. There was no simple progression from hunting-and-gathering peoples to settled foraging societies and then to genuine farming communities. Rather, human groups experimented with different strategies for survival. Climatic changes, the availability of water for crop irrigation, dietary preferences, and patterns of procreation affected the strategy a particular group adopted. Only those groups involved in crop and animal domestication, however, have proved capable of producing civilizations. The Wanderers However successful a particular group proved to be at hunting and gathering, few could support a band larger than 20 to 30 men, women, and children. Dependence on migrating herds of game dictated that these bands were nomadic, though many moved back and forth between the same forest and grazing areas year after year. The migration patterns meant that small numbers of humans needed an extensive land area to support themselves, and consequently human population densities were very low. Though we imagine Stone Age peoples living in caves, recent research suggests that most preferred to live on open ground. The migratory peoples who lived on hilltops or in forest clearings built temporary shelters of skins and leaves or grass thatching. Their flimsy campsites were readily abandoned when herd movements or threats from competing bands prompted migration. Though it is likely that bands developed a sense of territoriality, boundaries were vague and much interhuman strife focused on rival claims to sources of game and wild foods. Within each band, labor was divided on a gender basis. Males hunted and fished in riverine or coastal areas. Because they became skilled in the use of weapons in the hunt, it is also likely that males protected the band from animal predators and raids by other human groups. Though women's roles were less adventuresome and aggressive, they were arguably more critical to the survival of the band. The foods women gathered provided the basic subsistence of the band and permitted its survival in times when hunting parties were unsuccessful. Women also became adept in the application of medicinal plants, which were the only means that Paleolithic peoples had to ward off disease. Because life expectancy was short - 20 years or less on the average - and mortality rates for women in labor and infants were very high, women had to give birth many times in order for the band to increase its numbers even slightly. The early appearance (c. 25,000 B.C.) of figurines carved by Homo sapiens sapiens that depict voluptuous and pregnant women suggest the existence of cults devoted to earth and mother goddesses. The centrality of feminine symbolism in early art and religion may also be indicative of the considerable influence that women wielded within the band. Settling Down: Dead Ends And Transitions Though most humans lived in small hunting-and-gathering bands until well into the era of the agrarian revolution between 8000 and 5000 B.C., some prefarming peoples worked out a very different strategy of survival. They managed to devise more intensive hunting-and-gathering patterns that permitted them to establish semipermanent and even permanent settlements and support larger and more complex forms of social organization. Among the most spectacular of the Paleolithic settlements are those of central Russia. Apparently there was an abundance of large but slow woolly mammoths in the region some 20,000 years ago. The hunting techniques of the local peoples produced a supply of meat that, when supplemented by wild plant foods gathered in the area, made it possible for them to live in the same place throughout much of the year. Their dependence on the mammoths is suggested by the bones found in refuse pits at the settlement sites and by the bones of the larger mammoths that were used extensively for the walls and roofing of dwellings. The storage pits for food and the other materials found at the sites of the central Russian settlements suggest that the mammoth-bone dwellers participated in trading networks that involved groups in the Black Sea region nearly 500 miles away. Burial patterns and differing degrees of bodily decoration also indicate that there were clear status differences among the groups that inhabited the settlements. Mammoth-bone communities lasted from about 18,000 to 10,000 B.C., when they suddenly disappeared for reasons that are still unknown. Even more sophisticated than the central Russian settlements were those of the Natufian complex, which extended over much of present-day Israel, Jordan, and Lebanon. Climate changes that occurred between 12,000 and 11,000 B.C. enabled wild barley and wheat plants to spread over much of this area. When supplemented with nuts and the meat of gazelles and other game, these wild grains proved sufficient to support numerous and quite densely populated settlements on a permanent basis. Between about 10,500 and 8000 B.C., the Natufian culture flourished in this area. The population at Natufian settlement sites reached as high as six to seven times that of other early Neolithic communities. The Natufians developed quite sophisticated techniques of storing grain, and they devised pestles and grinding slabs to prepare it to eat. They built circular and oval dwellings of stone that were occupied year-round for centuries. The evidence we have from housing layout, burial sites, jewelry, and other materials indicates that, like the mammoth-bone dwellers of central Russia, Natufian society was stratified. Clothing appears to have been used to distinguish a person's rank, and grand burial ceremonies marked the passing of community chieftains. There is also evidence that Natufian society was matrilocal - young men went to live with their wives' families - and matrilineal - family descent and inheritance were traced through the female line. The fact that women gathered food crops in the wild may explain the importance of women and the power and influence they enjoyed in Natufian settlements. The Natufian strategy for survival did not involve the development of new tools or techniques for production. It rested primarily on the intensification of gathering wild grains and the improvement of storage techniques. The Natufians' concentration on a couple of grain staples, gazelle meat, and nuts rendered the culture vulnerable through overspecialization. After 9000 B.C. the climate of the region where the Natufian settlements were located grew more and more arid. The grains and game on which they had grown dependent were reduced or vanished from many locations. One thousand years later, all the Natufian sites had been abandoned. Some villagers reverted to migratory hunting and gathering in an effort to broaden the range of animals they could hunt and the foods they could harvest from the wild. Other villagers - usually those located near large and reliable sources of water - domesticated the grains they had once gathered in the woodlands. A Precarious Existence Until the late Old Stone Age era around 12,000 B.C., advances in human technology and social organization were remarkably slow when compared to the advances that have occurred since about 8000 B.C. Millions of years of evolution of the genus Homo had produced small numbers of humans mostly scattered in tiny bands across six continents. On the average the lives of members of these bands were - to paraphrase a cynical, 17th-century English philosopher, Thomas Hobbes - violent and short. They crouched around their campfires in constant fear of animal predators and human enemies. They were at the mercy of the elements and helpless in the face of injury or disease. They had a few crude tools and weapons; their nomadic existence reflected their dependence on the feeding cycles of migrating animals. The smaller numbers of human groups that lived in permanent settlements had better shelters, a more secure supply of food, and larger communities on which to draw in their relentless struggle for survival. But their life-styles were precarious in that their specialized hunting-and-gathering practices meant that shifts in grazing patterns or the climate could undermine their carefully developed cultures. Late Paleolithic humans had considerably improved on earlier and by then extinct versions of the species. But there was little to suggest that within a few thousand years they would radically transform the environments in which they lived and dominate all other forms of life.